ND SHAPE Working for You

Ten Reasons to be a member of ND SHAPE

1. Physical Education Programs in Schools are Increased or Maintained
2. $1 million Liability Coverage for activities related to your HPE position
3. Quality Education Programs at the regional, state, district, and national level
4. Networking Opportunities
5. Newsletters with Educational Articles, State Conference and Legislative Updates
6. A Voice in State and National Legislative Issues
7. Recognition for Outstanding Teaching Service
8. Recognition of Professional Organization Involvement
9. A Voice in Educational Opportunity Development
10. Funding Opportunities

Your involvement makes a difference. Without NDSHAPE and SHAPE America professional support we lose our voice in legislative issues that affect physical education programs in our nation’s schools. As budget cuts continue to be a focus in our nation’s school systems, it becomes increasingly important for physical educators to join together to educate the children, families, teachers and school administrators, and the leaders of our nation on the importance of Quality Physical Education.